Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rate my Neospacien Deck?

I don%26#039;t normlly do neo spacien decks but i thought i might since i%26#039;ve allready got all the cards for one.



3 E-hero Neos

3 air hummingbird

3 glow moss

3 aqua dolphin

3 dark panther

3 flare scarab

1 grand mole(Would put 3 but 1 due to banned list.)

1 magician of faith

2 neos alius

2 neo space pathfinder

1 sangan



3 neo space

1 ancient rules

1 swing of memories

1 lightning vortex

2 nex

1 foolish burial



1 mirror force

1 torrential tribute

1 magic cylinder

1 radiant mirror forcd

1 draining shield


--------------------(all of these are neos.)

3 air

3 grand

3 aqua

3 dark

3 glow

3 flare

3 magma

3 chaos

3 marine dolphins

3 twinkle moss

3 marine neos


I know im missing a ton of cards but please list anything else that i need and rate 1-10.

Rate my Neospacien Deck?

8 cause u r missing cards

everthing else is perfect

Rate my Neospacien Deck?


Rate my Neospacien Deck?

Good but take out the nex cards. they won%26#039;t help you.


Rate my Neospacien Deck?

3 cyber dragon

And cyber fusions

i mean like cyber end dragons

and cyber twin dragons (duh?)

3 of every fusion is chaos have 2 at most but really only 1 is needed

you need o-oversoul x2

and foolish burial x2

premature burial and call of the haunted are needed aswell

at the moment 4/10

the deck info below was given to a friend of mine by max power so the credit goes to him this is probably the best neo spacian deck i%26#039;ve seen though and they are fun to use

so heres max%26#039;s info

by Max Power

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E-Hero / Neo-Spacian Decks can be terrible build that often deliver terrible hands and are unstable. However, if built correctly they canm be the most versatile and consistent deck you%26#039;ll ever play with.

I%26#039;m sorry to say this but your is currently the first option. With Neo-Spacian deck building you need to break the process into three parts. First add in two Grand Mole becuase they are basically brilliant little monsters. Secondly add three other Neo-Spacian monsters (I%26#039;ve choosen the next best). For the sake of this deck I%26#039;m going to choose Agua Dolphin, Air Humming Bird and Dark Panther. Finally add fillers and three E-Hero Neos.

Finally the deck should look something like this.

Monsters - 20

E-Hero Neos x3

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird x2

Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin x2

Neo-Spacian Dark Panther x2

E-Hero Stratos

E-Hero Wildheart x2

D.D warrior Lady


Treeborn Frog


Cyber Dragon x3

Magics - 16

Neospace x3

Reinforcements of the army x2

Future Fusion

Brain Control

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossout

Contact Fusion

Fake Hero

Common soul x3

Pot of Avarice

Traps - 4

Mirror Force

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Torriental Tribute


E-Hero Elemental Hero Grand Neos x2-3

E-Hero Elemental Hero Air Neos x2-3

E-Hero Elemental Hero Aqua Neos x2-3

E-Hero Elemental Hero Dark Neos x2-3

Cyber Twin Dragon

Cyber End Dragon

I know that you didn%26#039;t say anything about Cyber Dragons, but they are brilliant monsters that you should really use if given the chance in a duel. Summon out the Cyber Fusions with Future Fusion and if the chance occurs end the duel with Cyber End Dragons massive 4000ATK.

If you choose to make this deck then I guarantee that you will be impressed with it%26#039;s power. This build along with the Cyber support is probably the strongest Neo-Spacin deck you%26#039;ll find.

Finally if you choose to change the Neo-Spacian monsters that I have then you need to make a whole new deck. The deck I%26#039;ve given you is for those Neo-Spacian monsters only and cant%26#039; really be modified to suit others.

Rate my Neospacien Deck?

i would give it a 7.5 outa 10 nex wont help ya any and it will cost more then anything in a dual..

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