Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

im planning to get a heartagram tattoo on my arms and maybe my back and im not sure how would the pain of the needle will be like please rate it 1-10 1 being a slight tickle 10 being gettin a hammer hittin on your arm and back

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

i would say its a 3. The back might hurt a bit more. but its like lots of little scratches

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

don%26#039;t know but the legs and shoulder are only about a 3

Rate the pain of the tattoo?


Rate the pain of the tattoo?

I say 5-6 somewhere around that area.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

the more meat u have between the bone the less the pain..... bone=pain

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

What ive heard, it feels like being hit by one of those newspaper rubberbands point blank.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

it really depends on your pain tolerence...but for both of mine i would give them a...5 (if that)!!!

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

I haven%26#039;t had one done, but a friend of mine said it feels like having someone scratch at ur sunburned skin with a razor.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

it just feels like a razor cutting your skin over and over. you%26#039;ll get used to it after a while into the session. I%26#039;d say 3 or 4...depending on how much of a wussy you are.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?


It is uncomfortable, like a skinned knee at times, but not excruciating.

If it gets bad the artist will stop for a minute to let you catch your breath.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

gettin the tat around my ankle was a 6... when it went down the top of my foot.. that was a 9. The inside of my wrists were 4. My upper arms were a 2-3. the one on my lower back/upper buttock was a 7-8.

Once your endorphines kick in, you%26#039;ll be fine.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

It will likely hurt less on your arm than on your back, depending on the exact locations. It will feel more like a painful scratching, that will feel like the tattooist is going over and over and over the same painfully raw area. If 1 is just a tolerable discomfort and 10 is pure torture, I would rate the arms a 6 and back a 7.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

It is like a constant bee sting. I got one on my shoulder, it has muscle on it so it didnt hurt that bad. My ex got a tattoo on her lower back and she hurt my hand more then my tattoo. So it matters where you get it. Anything on bone or with a lot of nerves is sure to sting a little more then a bee. Im gettin 3 on my back soon, so I might be able to tell you about that soon.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

Don%26#039;t do it. You%26#039;ll have it for the rest of your life. Tattoos aren%26#039;t cool. It%26#039;s like being branded. If you don%26#039;t want to look like the stupid part of our American society and actually want to look sophisticated then don%26#039;t get a tattoo, trust me you%26#039;ll regret it in a few years.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

Getting a tattoo involves pain. From a slight burning sensation to a very strong burning pain. It doesn%26#039;t make any difference . Either you can take it or you can%26#039;t, and you won%26#039;t know until you get one.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

I was the biggest chicken about getting a tattoo. I have mine on the bone of my lower back. I thought it would hurt really bad. I would say mine hurt about a 2. It really depends on the type of equipment used. Ask a lot of questions to the tattoo artist. I am getting another one this weekend and I am excited!! If I did it after running out the door 3 times you will be fine. Being relaxed is key, anytime you tense up you will expect to have more pain. Good Luck!!!

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

On your arms it will feel like he%26#039;s going down them with a compass, the longer the tattoo takes the more it will hurt due to severe numbness, my pain thresh hold was weakening at 2hr%26#039;s 45min but I held out. On your back it will hurt more but it%26#039;s no big deal, if you wanna worry about pain with a tattoo then the chest is the pain area, I had a tat on the bone of my chest and it really hurt but I%26#039;m good at hiding my pain. so arm=3, back =5

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

Depends on where on your back. If you have muscle in the area it doesn%26#039;t hurt - it%26#039;s irritating - like you are being scratched. If it%26#039;s on a bony area the pain is pretty bad.

Rate the pain of the tattoo?

I am in my 40%26#039;s and I got my first (and probably only) tattoo last weekend. I rated the pain a 4 at the beginning and an 8 by the time it was all done.

I felt like my arm was hamburger that they were tenderizing. That would have been fine if that was all they did, but they would do things in layers (outline, filling in black which had one break in the middle, and then the colors). Now imagine them going back to the same hamburger and chopping it up a second time, a third time, and a fourth time. By the time it was over I was ready to get the hell out of there. It took three hours for my tattoo at the top of my arm.

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